The story of Salem Short Film Festival began in 2016, when it was co-founded by a group of young people who love the art of film. At first, we were just a small-scale local film exhibition dedicated to showcasing short films from local and surrounding areas. With the passage of time and the accumulation of experience, we have gradually developed into a highly regarded international short film festival.
Every year, we carefully plan and select the works to be exhibited, ensuring that the works presented at the festival are not only artistic and innovative, but also touch the hearts and minds of the audience. We adhere to fair and rigorous selection criteria and are committed to discovering and promoting emerging filmmakers and directors with potential. Through the film festival, we hope to contribute to the development of the film industry and the dissemination of global film culture, while also bringing audiences unique film experiences and cultural exchange opportunities.
The success of Salem Short Film Festival comes not only from our love and persistence in the art of film, but also from the support and recognition of the audience and participants. Each film festival is a new story and a new exploration. We look forward to sharing more wonderful short films with the global film community and jointly promoting the progress and innovation of film art.